Baby and the Beloved
The Twin Flame Journey is the Sacred Journey that is initiated upon the meeting of the One, your Eternal Beloved, your True Love, who your heart has always longed for, the one who feels like Home.
This Journey can be a treacherous one, into wounds and shadows, through Union into Separation, deeper into Separation, and finally - we hope and pray - back into Union, as wounds are healed and shadows are redeemed.
Separation feels like the end, with a devastation and heartbreak that feels compared to the loss of everything, but separation is actually the start of the Journey. In this way, the end is very much the beginning.
The Journey is actually a journey back to the Self. The essential Self, the True Self, the Self that exists eternally - your own Divinity. In order to achieve this, integration of the Other must take place. We do this piece by piece, receiving and owning everything that the Other, the Twin has reflected and revealed to us.
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